Sleep Consulting Packages
In my sleep consulting, I aim to educate parents in safe sleep/nursery setup to ensure their baby's/toddler's safety is #1 in the process. I aim to encourage and empower parents as they work through the plan to help their child learn healthy sleep habits, as sleep is so important to your baby's growth and development and for your own mental and physical health. The goal is to help your baby/toddler fall asleep independently and be able to transition sleep cycles all on their own so your whole family can get a good night's sleep. I can help with everything from regressions to nap transitions, lengthening naps and night time sleep to weaning off the pacifier and more! I will be your cheerleader and support person every step of the way to ensure you are successful! I work virtually so no matter where you live, I can help you!
All packages include information on safe sleep and safe nursery set up, tips for the future and extras tailored to your baby/child.
You're in the right place if you:
are exhausted and sleep deprived
feel you tried everything with no success
you want to practice safe sleep and stop bed sharing with your baby
are tired of bouncing, rocking, swaying, feeding to sleep, only to have to do it all over again 40 minutes to a couple hours later all night long
want more than just the cry it out method
want consistency and predictability in your days
want your baby/child to sleep through the night and have great naps too
want to break overtired cycles
want your baby/child to have the sleep they need to thrive
want to feel rested and have time to yourself
want more kid free time with your partner
are committed to consistency in order to teach your baby/child the life skill of independent sleep
Packages By Age
Coming Soon
4-12 months
12-36 months
3-5 years
All Ages
Not sure which package is right for you? I can help with that. Book a free 15 minute call to answer any questions you have.